Friday, February 24, 2017

Take Down Your Art

5 piece screamo band from Newark, Delaware. Having released two splits and a 7". The splits include a 10" split with Sweetheart and a 9" split with Towers.

I wanted to do this post for a long time, but I had issues tracking down the split with Sweetheart. Finally got that, so here it is. Take Down Your Art has members of A Petal Fallen, The Holy Fucking Spirit, and Pyramids and were active 2004-2006. They pretty much sound like a more evolved/mature A Petal Fallen, but not to the level of musicianship of Pyramids. Good band for sure. I think this should be everything.

2004 Demo

2005 Vox Populi Capax Infiniti 7"

2006 Towers ⁄ Take Down Your Art 10"

Split with Sweetheart