Thursday, August 24, 2017

This is Automation

I don't typically post bandcamps on here, but this is some long lost band from the DuPage County Hardcore bandcamp page that I came across. I can't seem to find any information on them. Not even sure the era, sounds kinda 90's though. Definitely fits on this blog. Anyone have any info? I need to get in contact with whoever owns that bandcamp...


I found this photo on their myspace, seems pretty indepth as to who they are. Don't really have much to add. The sound similarities is fairly apt, sounds pretty typical for early 00's emo. This is an album I found, I think they have a demo too but no idea on where that is. The album is actually quite high quality, not amazingly memorable, but not bad. Check it out.

points & connections

There's two more songs on their myspace but I can't seem to play them/download them. Myspace has basically been non-functional for me for a while. fuck...

Also, check out their archived website