Monday, June 18, 2018

The Wake

I don't have too much on this band other than that they were from Michigan and active early 2000's. Searching for them definitely brings up a ton of stuff about their split with Searchingforchin a pretty "big" Canadian band. Nothing really to be found about them other than that. I have here that split and also a demo. It's kind of metalcore influenced stuff, somewhat similar to Searchingforchin even. Check it out if you're curious.

the wake - demo version 1.0

Searching For Chin & The Wake


  1. Good live band. Saw them plenty of times.

    1. Cool that you saw them live.

      PS. I creeped your blog, amazing! Do you have soulseek? I feel like I've been downloading off someone on there with similar stuff to your blog.

      I'm going to link your blog on here because it's sweet.
