Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Haunted Lunch


From Snohomish, WA, and connected to a few bands that you can find on the above youtube channel. Keyboard heavy, pretty spazzy, still with some good hardcore emo/screamo connections. Has some singing which is not totally annoying. Overall, really good! I think this is all they've released. I feel only the YouTuber above and a few others would know anything more about this band.


  1. oh I uploaded a discography for these guys that I found on Soulseek to my youtube channel days after you posted this haha

    It's the three songs from this demo CDR plus four more songs, not sure where from, maybe it's a Mustaphamond type situation where they recorded multiple songs but only some got officially released. But well I can give you a download link for it if you want!

    1. I just found it on soulseek. Thanks for alerting me to that! Should probably be more thorough with some of these bands haha. I'm going to link your video up here on this post.

      Maybe the soulseek user knows more about their release history. Probably will message them now, unless it turns out to be you or something. Can't imagine that many people sharing these files haha!
