Thursday, July 16, 2020

Cross My Heart With A Knife CMHAWK Compilation

This is an interesting relic of the past. A lot of us know of CMHWAK as being kind of a meme level skram inventing website. It has a pretty large history going back into the early 2000s, and you can actually find the original forum still archived on the web.

I'm not sure who made this, but it's an actual playlist of bands taken directly off that website. being kind of a holy grail of early 2000s forgotten emo/screamo. A lot of bands on this compilation are featured here, and the ones that aren't I question whether actual recordings still exist.

On my youtube I posted what I think are the most interesting tracks on this compilation. The rest is a mix of more popular emo/screamo, and a lot of (shitty) metalcore/post hardcore that makes me cringe. Included in the zip is an actual html document of the playlist with super cringe descriptions of each band by whoever made this. I'm imaging whoever this is was kind of young, so it's alright.

Some bands worth saying stuff about:

The Mezzanine: Featured a member of In Loving Memory(?) ZERO information other than that.

The Lapis Sanctuary: A dupage county band, I have more by them and there used to an album by them on my favorite Dupage county Bandcamp I think

One Dying Wish: Lame post hardcore band that I have stuff by, but this song of theirs is much more screamo. No idea on whether it's even the same band.

Lots of other bands that you can find here. Basement style early 2000s stuff.

Go take a listen, some of the lame (imo) stuff is still very obscure and might be up your alley. For the highlights, go to my youtube for all the videos with the picture above. Oh and yes, check out the HTML document in there for sure.

VA - cross my heart with a knife

My Youtube


  1. Awesome finds here. I am digging your Youtube channel. What forgotten bands are on your search list lately?

    1. Hey there, yeah you'll notice a chunk of the recent stuff on my youtube is stuff you sent me haha!

      My search for forgotten bands hasn't been so great as soulseek does not run that well on my computer. Who knows. I have been buying some stuff off discogs though, mainly just random appealing stuff.

      When I get the last thing in the mail I'll be doing a big post on late 90s band The Jukebox Scenario which should be fun.

      I think I have two people sending me some 0bscur3 stuff in the near future, so that's exciting as well.

      How about you, come across anything cool?

  2. I've been digging these bands lately:
    gauge means nothing
    the hareste
    bad dress sense ( 80s british band inspired by revolution summer style bands, underrated
    the 400 ( only put out a demo, dc band)
    watership down
    all about friends comp - has rock lobster cover by Botch and other good jams.

    Here is a list of links I've come across that might be of interest. Hopefully they are new to you: - 90s early 2000s label bandcamp links 90s and warly 2000s bandcamp links the band Murder Weapon is pretty sick I remember hearing about this band on forums back in the day. - how all this obscure stuff ends up on a russian site, - for all it's worth. this band definitely belongs on this site! - mini archive of local and other CT bands back in the early 2000s,
